Sorry mom and Dad
I am not the gullible girl you thought I was
trying her best to get into a college
making them proud with the numbers I get
She’s tired but won’t admit
even the little thorns now prick her hard
She does not have balls of stone, like you think she does
She doubts her abilities every two seconds
Why can’t I do anything right
- Me to myself
She compares herself so hard and so fast
to her sibling, friends and anyone she finds
she’s the leader, the smart girl, the girl of high expectations
but she fears disappointing everyone she knows
She’s a stranger to herself as she tries to find a way
out of this maze, sucking away her self esteem
She finds someone new everyday to follow
but runs away the moment she realizes she’s being true
horror !
Her parents have visions of her in an office
signing off papers and being in her best
but they never realize, she hates what they see
a dull monochrome office with nothing but her dreams
she wants to be known, a musician, a poet
a dancer, a producer, a writer, a composer
a debater, a CEO, an entrepreneur and many more
she never tries to tame her heart from dreaming
as she pleads the Universe to help her once more
the world is her stage