Fancy English never fails to amaze the listener. But most of us put away complex words mainly because they are too hard to pronounce or their meanings are more twisted than your morning hair. But today I am going to give you five fancy words with elementary meanings.
- Brobdingnagian
As scary as it sounds, the word Brobdingnagian has a rather simple meaning. It simply means huge. So next time when you are describing something of huge proportions, try to use a word as colossal as the item.
2. Pulchritudinous
Wow, you look pulchritudinous today. A complicated way to refer to someone as beautiful. After using this word, be proud of yourself for holding an extraordinary vocabulary while the person before you wonders whether you complimented them or insulted them.
3. Jubilant
Not as long as the words mentioned above but still worthy to be on the list. Jubilant is a word used to elucidate a feeling of utmost happiness and triumph. And on top of that, it sounds pretty good.
4. Ubiquitous
As I am writing down the word an angry red line materializes below it, which means I misspelt it the second time today. So kids, make sure to learn the spelling properly because Google cannot always help you. As opulent as the word sounds, the meaning is quite simple. It means present or found everywhere. So instead of saying, that fashion trend is everywhere, you can replace it….That fashion trend is ubiquitous.(Not the red line again!!!)
5. Nonchalant
Are you a person who uses the word ‘calm’ or ‘peace’ quite often? Then here’s a cure for you. The new Garnier facewash, an instant solution to acne- Oops! sorry, wrong advertisement. The word nonchalant simply means calm or collected person or manner. You can use this to describe that one person who is calm and unconcerned.
So next time, try to inject these words into your essay and leave your English teacher astound( If you are still in school). Don’t think of expanding your vocabulary in any language as a chore but rather a fun experience to explore the beauty of literature. Just like Taylor Swift said, ‘Kids spelling is fun!’